General many are you are fans of SD games???

Started by Storm, October 01, 2016, 06:00:52 PM

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I ask the question because I see there are many "newbies", however "newbies" are rarely posting feedback about the games?  Why is this???  because the not posting puzzles me, hey you play and don't pay...but cannot take the time to thank the developer or provide feedback to the developer???


Hi Storm,

I totally agree with you and understand what you are saying. I have the title of newbie myself and I rarely post myself on the games. However I have been a long time fan of Selfdefiant.

Selfdefiant makes amazing games for us to play for free in the forum and the least that we can do is leave him feedback about the games that whe play. It's okay to not have the time to comment them all but at least if you find a problem, be sure to report it to him so that he can try to find the problem.

We should make Selfdefiant see how proud and happy we are about his work. Sometimes a little word can go a long way!

It's time for Selfdefiant's fans to stand up and make a difference in this forum!!!

Now who's with me to make this forum alive and grow together as the best forum community that the players have ever seen?

It's time to take the time and let Selfdefiant know about how we feel so speak up now members of the forum. Together, we can make a difference here!

I hope to see a lot of replies to this tread!!!

Selfdefiant, I'm your fan forever!  :)


Thank you both, Storm and Lyne! It does help to hear what I am doing good or bad. It's one of the best ways I can evolve and get better as a developer. :) I allow players to register with openID, I think it is rather easy to join and post here on the forum, is this correct? I will do whatever I can to make it easy and fun to be a member of our community!  :)



I just realized.... it's been 10 years (on October 1st) since SD published his first game, Prarie Dog Hunter!

Don't know how many of you SD fans remember that one or Candy Slinger, the very early SSSG's, or the Have You Seen It games, but I remember. Most players remember the very first Asylum game, but there were many published before it. I think I've played them all -and have worn out dozens of pc mouses and six laptops playing them!  ;D

In that time, computers have got faster, graphics cards better, and screens with higher resolution have become available. The result on the gamer end of things has been an incredibly rich interactive media experience, and for developers, the tools and end user products to make that rich media experience happen in our computer screens.

Ten years since SD has been creating and publishing great games for escape games fans to enjoy. 
That's a lot of hours devoted to making games and a lot of hours wearing out computer mouses!

Here's a question for all you SD fans:

How many games has SD published since October 1, 2006?

Meanwhile.... time to celebrate this cake day!!


Wow! That is truly amazing that you remember my actual first game prairie dog hunter, I spelled it wrong and everything! It wasn't very good! That didn't stop me from making games though! I can hardly believe that it's been 10 years. Man, the time flies..... Candy Slinger also. I was going to re-make it a long time ago since I had improved on my coding and drawing skills. Maybe I still should.
Thank you so much for being with me for so long. A true fan! How many games have I made? Far too many for even I to count! :)


CONGRATS ON TEN YEARS SD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WOW!!!!!!!!!!  i had no idea.  i have only been playing for about 3 years.  it would be cool if you redo the first games, i would love to play them.  i have been very sick lately and haven't been able to play or comment.  i truly lovbe being a premium member and being able to comment on your games.  i do not play other's games since i found yours and became a premium member.  YOU ARE THE BEST EVER!!!!!!.  THANKS YOU FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK TO KEEP US COMING BACK!!!!!!!!!     8)   :D   :)


Hello, SelfDefiant! I just wanted to let you know I love those cut scenes you put into Black Ridge. They really add to the reality of the games. Thank you! Smokejaguar


A player of SD games for many, many years.  I've always thanked Self Defiant on the Escape Game 24 walkthrough pages.



@smokejaguar, I also like the cut scenes and hope to see more of them in future SD games. Some of them I could watch for hours -like the waving palm trees on the sandy beach in Escape Palm Beach. Now that the weather has turned winter-ish and grey, I might just play that game often for the illusion of a summer day.



Just wanted to say, thank you Selfdefiant, your games are always a pleasure, you  have created games that challenge , entice, and amuse...., when  I had a close family member in the hospital, I would play your games with my dad,he would just not give up on the puzzles, again , an infinite thank you! your games made the world to my and mine and still make the world to me!


I'm a fan of the games you made back before the mouse city partnership.  I don't mean to sound rude , but the just aren't the same as your older ones.
My Lady .


Quote from: lioniz on December 12, 2016, 10:33:36 AM
I'm a fan of the games you made back before the mouse city partnership.  I don't mean to sound rude , but the just aren't the same as your older ones.
No, they are not the same. They ask for specific games and in order for me to produce games, I must fulfill sponsor's requests. I will try to make more games like before for Melting-Mindz! Hang in there! Also the ones I make for WorldEscapeGames are like my old ones. :)


So glad to have found this thread. I really enjoy playing SD's games. SSSG is my favorite. I have been home sick for weeks. Lucky for me to have found this forum where I can play these games while I recover. As a result of leaving positive feedback after playing the SD games, I earned myself a smite! YAY me!  :-\


Thanks for coming and commenting. I appreciate it, even if others don't. :) Also, thanks for reporting the spam. I try catching it but they are fast!