Trouble Loading Game or Games Crashing

Started by selfdefiant, October 03, 2014, 09:36:21 AM

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There is so much junk running on the site!  Ads play without being invoked and cannot be closed.  Of course the game hangs.


Like Storm... I, too, am having the exact same problems!  And, like Storm said, it is just on the Melting-Mindz site.  And I have also checked my computer for updates.
Glad to know it's not just me having these problems!  So far, I found Yizzim to be without the problem that Melting-Mindz has. Hope you can get it fixed SD!   :)


SD as always thank you for all you do.  I have one question, how and where do I go to turn off Ads?  I search under profile and did not find it, must have overlook it.  I really hope you find a solution to the problem soon.   :)


Quote from: Storm on October 23, 2014, 01:00:33 PM
SD as always thank you for all you do.  I have one question, how and where do I go to turn off Ads?  I search under profile and did not find it, must have overlook it.  I really hope you find a solution to the problem soon.   :)
I didn't realize I had to turn them off. :) They should be off now. :)


I just posted this to escapegames24, so I'll post it here:  I can no longer play Selfdefiant's games, which breaks my heart!  My IE will not load the flash player, which is not the fault of my IE.  I even downloaded Firefox for the sole purpose of playing his games and that worked for a while.  However, I'm getting so many script errors from Melting Mindz that it is now locking up my brand new "cat daddy" computer to the point that if I leave the game up for a few minutes while cooking supper, for instance, that I have to come back and reboot.  That's not good.  I wish I could tell him this situation myself.  I know a lot of other users are experiencing this also, considering what I'm reading in the walkthroughs.  He's an awesome developer and I would hate to discontinue playing his games.  I've had no problem until a few months ago, but having my computer lock up because of script errors is just not worth my time.  Please make him aware of my complaint.  I'd hate to lose taking part in his talent.

And that's where I am at this point.  I should not have to correct this.  If so many people are having an issue with this, it's no fault of their own, but the fault of this website.  There's more going on outside of the play box, than on the inside of the play box.  Maybe the ads and other scripts on this website are too advanced for the common user, much less advanced computer systems such as mine.  Adding game play to all of that is the problem.  I'd HATE, HATE, HATE to lose my Selfdefiant games wholeheartedly, but if my computer keeps locking up, I'll have to quit Melting-Mindz altogether.  That would be extremely disappointing.


The problem is partly that users who use Internet Explorer will have problems because there are settings that have to be adjusted. I have never had a problem playing any of my games and 90% of the other players haven't had any problems. I wish I knew what was causing some of you problems but I don't know. I am using the newest version of Flash to make games. If you can't play on Melting-Mindz, try or
Please realize that this is not happening to very many people and I am trying to figure it out just the same.


i too cannot play your games on IE due to script errors.  i downloaded Google Chrome and it works just fine.  i think it is IE that is messed up.  i heard IE got hacked a few months ago and it has never been the same since.  my computer is fairly new, and Google Chrome works great for your games.  i don't do ANYTHING on IE anymore cuz it messes up my computer every time.  i hope this helps everyone.   ;D


Thanks for confirming that! I knew it had something to do with IE. :)


you are welcome.  i really hope this helps those who are having trouble.   ;D 


SD–  I am on a big iMac and I have been having increasing difficulties loading game scenes.  They have gotten much worse in the last few days,  Today they are next to impossible, even older games on your site.

I cannot make it through the day without your games,,,,,,{my husband would like them to work better to shut me up!}

thanks,  fiddlehead


Hello, SD! I love the games! I am not sure whether I like the dark spooky ones or the lush resort ones better!

I am having difficulty with your games crashing. It started when you put in the video ads. I became a premium member in an effort to avert this problem, but it didn't work.

Today I tried to play Lost Asylum, and without exaggerating, I had to restart the game 6 times before I ran out of leisure time to play. Autosave apparently isn't active on this game

I am completely in favor of advertisements, but these video ads are making me think twice before playing your games.

This is intended as positive feedback. Your produce wonderful games that I enjoy so much I am willing to pay for them! Everything was fine before you started the video ads.

Thanks for listening!


If you are premium, you have to play the games posted here in the Premium Members area of the forum. There are no ads in the games. Also every one of my games auto save. If it isn't, it's Flash Player on your computer. It could be due to using Internet explorer or your Flash Player settings. Every game works for me with and without ads using Chrome. Chrome updates Flash Player automatically. :)


Thank you SD! Now everything is working perfectly! Thank you for the help!