Medieval Village Escape

Started by selfdefiant, February 20, 2018, 08:56:36 AM

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You were on vacation and some strange things happened. Now, you are stuck here in this medieval town, somewhere in Italy. Look around and see if you can figure out how to escape!


Score: 97811. Found all 50 coins. That was a nice Italian tour there, Puzzles where nice. Another escape from the Sharkmen once again.

Great job!
Jason Moore


Cool game! I really liked that green digital display puzzle box thingie, very original & fun to use! The music was perfect & really added to the atmosphere.
PS, I was ponygirl but my old profile wouldn't log on, so this is me now :)


Thanks!! I can fix your account if you like, just pm me. :)


Aw thx SD :) I think I figured out the problem- I was trying to log in using the small box that pops up under the login & register buttons when you click the forum button- it just gave me a timeout error every time. But when I hit the login button instead, the bigger window lets me log in normally. I'll probably stay with this profile form now on anyway, since it's my usual gamer handle. :D


I will try to figure out the login issue, you aren't the only one that experienced it. :) Glad you go it to work. :)

I fixed it! :)


97571! Really enjoyed having an ale with the gentleman.