SD Not feeling well.

Started by selfdefiant, November 12, 2015, 06:57:30 PM

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As some of you may have heard, I haven't been feeling well the last week. I am getting better but it's taking all of my energy to do so. Making games has become second nature for me but since I haven't had any energy, I haven't been able to think, and well making games takes a lot of thinking! I am working on some things and more games will be coming, actually more than lately. :)


Hey! Drop everything you're doing and get back to bed right now.  :P

Finish getting well first, then you can start working again - not the other way around!  :)



I hope you feel better soon get some rest we cant have you sick there Carol


Not been to the forum for ages ... so just read this, but hoping that you are feeling better.



SD so glad you are feeling better.  i have been praying for you ever since i heard you were sick.  i know prayers work cuz prayers brought me back from the dead literally in January of this year.  God bless you and your family this holiday season.  May it bring lots of happiness, joy and mostly love.    :D   :D   :D


Thank you so much! I too know how the power of prayer can help us through anything. :)


Yea!   Best news all week!

and you're on my list, too -even when things are sunny  :)


Thanks! It's nice to know people care. :)


Hey! Selfdefiant....hope you are feeling better! Please get well soon!


Thank you everyone! I'm better now and feeling great!


Take care of yourself and get better soon !!