Missing games

Started by DarkMoe, January 30, 2020, 10:15:07 AM

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Hi ! Like most people here, a really big fun of Selfdefiant's games. I remember playing the first SSSG game back in 2007 or 2008.

I've played in all these years most of the released games, really fan of the style, specially the photorrealistic ones.

Unfortunately, it seems that same games won't load (missing swfs).

The ones I could not find anywere are:
Prairie dog hunter (your first game)
Sneaky's Journey 5 (please ! I played the whole series and I'm missing this one)

Are all these games a product of only one developer ? I am truly amazed.

Thank you very much, hope to hear from you soon


Thank you for letting me know. I will fix them asap. Yes, I made them all. :)


Good job, as of today I played exactly 1120 of your games, do you actually have a list of all of them ? I know some are unlisted in your website, like I coudn't find for example Escape Tabasco (already played it btw).

Also, only game so far I cannot find is your first one, the Praery dog game. Please upload it to your site ! it was hosted in a dead website


Sorry for the bump, but any update on this ? Really looking forward to play your first game, or the ones I haven't yet