Break Free Pirate Ship Walkthough

Started by Skink, July 24, 2014, 02:49:16 AM

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Sc 1. Move left canon, take canonball
Sc 2. Note gear missing. Note hole in left bottom corner.
Sc 3. Move barrell, note color clue.
Sc 4. Move anchor, take key. Note direction clue. Put canonball into net, use color clue to open crate, take sword. Note spill.
Sc 3. Open the door, go inside.
Sc 5. Use direction clue on "jolly roger". Take key. Use sword on rope, take candle. Go right.
Sc 7. Use key to open right locker, take mop
Sc 1. Light lantern with candle. Note positions clue.
Sc 4. Clean spill with mop, note number clue.
Sc 7. Open right locker using positions clue.Take fishing pole.
Sc 6. Open chest using number clue. Take gear.
Sc 2. Use fishing pole on hole for gold key. Place gear and pull lever.
Sc 1. Use gold key to open crate. Take life raft.
Sc 2. Out!